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"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." ~ Isaiah 55: 8-11


CHOCOLATE BUNNY / DCBD #165, JUGS #21 & TPE #54...

Anyone who knows me, knows I can't resist a sweet, chocolate bunny! Especially if it's a stamp...

Diva Coffee Break Designs have a great sketch this week, and I combined it with the very delectable colors at Just Us Girls. Over at the Pink Elephant, the Recipe Challenge was to use ribbon! Almost all my cards could be entered into this one - lol!

This cute little bunny is from Stampin' Up!, Chocolate Bunny. The sentiment is from a set called Well Scripted. The dsp is Cottage Wall. I put a little wreath of flowers around his neck, with small pearls in the centers. And it's hard to tell, but he's stamped with Chocolate Chi[ craft onto Close to Cocoa & clear embossed to make him shiny!

Thanks so much for dropping by!


Iwona Palamountain (Chupa) said...

Oh girl, this is so cute! You really made these colours work together! :)

♥ Kristy Woods ♥ said...

Wow this is simply adorable!
Thanks so much for joining us at TPE.
Kristy x

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! He almost looks good enough to eat! lol You're so inspiring. I never would have thought to stamp him in brown onto a lighter brown to create the effect you did. And then to emboss him so he's shiny, just like in real life?! Absolutely fabulous!!

Lesley said...

Cute card Arielle! Love the bunny...he looks like real chocolate!!!

Lesley ;)

Sheri Gilson said...

Fabulous card!! I love the chocolate bunny!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at The Pink Elephant!!
Sheri-TPE DT

Dana Gustafson said...

CHocolate bunny! WHat a great idea for this color challenge! THanks so much for playing with just us girls!

Pam W said...

Your card is awesome. Love the striped paper and the layout. Great job!

Lisa Kind said...

I love chocolate bunnies that are chocolate...forget the stamp! LOL!! This is so adorable! I love it! The wreath around his neck is so clever! Great use of the JUGs colors! Thanks so much for playing our challenge!

LORi said...

WOW...this is a gorgeous mixture of all your challenges!! One beautiful card!!

Thanks for sharing with The PinK Elephant!!


Tammy said...

Beautiful card!! I love the chocolate bunny! And, the ribbon idea is so cool!! Thanks for playing along with the Divas!!

Maria said...

This is fabulous! LOVE that bunny, what a great Easter card. Nice job with the JUGS colors and thanks for playing along with us.

Jo said...

That is too too cute. The chocolate bunny just looks so edible!!!

Laurel Beard said...

I love your card but I have to say, now I am craving one of those huge chocolate bunnies that come out at Easter! LOL! Thanks for sharing!

Kristin Moore said...

I can't get over how real that chocolate bunny looks- dangerously real! This is adorable- I love the flowers on the bunny and the sentiment piece is perfect! Thanks for playing with the Divas!


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