What IS it about these little scrumptious rolls of washi goodness that makes me want to hoard them like a frenzied acorn~seeking squirrel in the fall? Every little pattern is just perfect and delicate and sweet, right? I have enough washi that I could probably not buy any for years and still not run out.
I was thinking, besides using them on all my various power cords, and the occasional card or other craft~y project - I need to branch out. I need to use some splashes of washi to color the other facets of my life - the gorgeousness that is washi shouldn't be hidden away in a craft bin, right?
So here are some of my favorite new found uses for this adhesive gold...
- Washi Vases - Pretty Handy Girl
- DIY Washi Phone Case - Imagine Our Life
- Washi Tape Laptop Desk - Sassy Style
- DIY Washi Tape Barrettes - We Heart This
- Washi Tape Town - Kid Crave
- Washi Taped Basket - Create & Babble
- Washi Bike - Hema Gallery
- Washi Tape Spring Egg Wreath - Tatertots & Jello
- Washi Tape Puppets - Dollar Store Mom
- DIY Typographic Washi Art - Whimseybox
If you've used washi in some wonderfully ingenious new ways, I'd love to see it! Just leave a comment & lini to it!
Happy Sunday!

Love me some washi tape! Great resources, thanks!
Great ideas, Arielle! I do use washi around the plug ins of my electronics charging cables, just for fun!
A washi bike?! Now that's a new one!
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