Here's a layout I did last night for Speed Scrap at Design House Digital! Of course with Maisie sick and restless with an ear infection, it was ANYTHING but speedy - LOL!
Alex started toilette training a while back and one morning he came out of his room with one of his pull-up diapers on his head, running around, acting like the superhero of potty time. (With an old pacifier. Doesn't he know superheroes don't use pacifiers?) Obviously he didn't realize what this new "hat" was really for! Then again, everything seems to be a "hat" for my boy! He even made one for his trusty sidekick, Maisie, although put it on her head backwards!
I few of the kits I used:
D Rutter - Rocketman
K Funk - Simplicity elements
R Meierotto - InStitches-Bright
L Sanford - Frayed Fabric Masks
D Rutter - Rocketman
K Funk - Simplicity elements
R Meierotto - InStitches-Bright
L Sanford - Frayed Fabric Masks
So funny and so cute. What little boys can come up with. LOL
That is hilarious Arielle, love it when the kids do stuff like this and it is captured on film!! Need to have plenty of blackmailing opportunities for those teen yrs;)
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