Stacey [
Stacey's Stampin' Stage] gave me the Lemonade Stand Award! How cool is that? And perfect timing, too! I just went over the 10,000 hit mark! Sounds like a reason to celebrate with blog candy, right? I'll get there in a minute...
Anyways, the Lemonade Stand Award is given to bloggers who show great attitude and gratitude. So it is now my turn to pass the award to some very talented women who have visited my blog (and I theirs) & who show great attitude and gratitude.
- Amy @ Scrapping Mommy - Amy has mad skills (think Napolean Dynamite ~ LOL)! And a beautiful blog!
- Sandy @ Stamp N' Stuff - She's a talented gal, making a card a day!
- Amy @ Tethered 2 Home - Lots of 'FABulous' 3D stuff!
- Carla @ The Southern Stamper - Multitudes of creativity!!!
- Erica @ Inked Up & Ready to Play - A rockin' & creative lady!
The rules of the award (To pick up the Lemonade Stand Award):
- Comment on this blog.- Cut and paste the award logo and use it in your own
- Nominate 5 to 10 blogs you feel show great attitude and gratitude.
- Link to your nominees within your blog post.
- Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.
- Link back to the person who gave you the award to show your
Now for the blog candy...
Anyone who comments on this post will be eligible to win a pack of Stampin' Up!
Designer Series Paper of their choice! I will choose a winner using Random. org from all comments posted until 11:59pm CST on May 29th, 2009 and will post the winner on May 30th. Only 1 entry per person, and it must be a comment on this post!
Anyone who signs up through me to be an SU! demonstrator will be eligible to win a free SU! stamp set of their choice (up to $49.95). The deadline to sign up as a demo is May 29th, 2009 at 11:59pm CST. I will choose a winner using Random. org from those that sign up & I'll announce the winner on May 30th, 2009. Please email me to get the code you'll need to sign up!